
  • S100 TOTAL CLEANER510K3MuEBpL._SL1000_

    I used the S100 Total Cleaner for a while now and for me it is one of the must-have products if you want your bike to be clean! It is super easy to use and works perfectly! Spray it on the bike, let it soak in for about 5 minutes, wash it of and bam! Perfectly clean bike. This product is worth every single cent and I use it again and again!

Link: S100 Total Cleaner


    This is one of my favourite wheel cleaners! I use it on bike bike aswell as on my car. Works perfectly fine on both. Spray it on the rim let it soak in for some minutes, and if you want you can also work with a sponge to get every little piece of dirt. One very nice thing it that the product is pH-neutral, so it does no damage to your tire or even your skin!

Link: Car Guys Wheel Cleaner


    The Motul Perfect Seat Cleaner is a very nice product for those who really care about their motorcycle and want to have it cleaned perfectly. The product does not only clean your seat, it does also protect it, so that it doesn’t take up dirt as fast anymore! I use it regularily and I think the price/performance ratio is very nice here. No too expensive for a product like that!

Link: Motul Perfect Seat Cleaner

  • MOTUL SHINE AND GOBildergebnis für motul shine and go

    The Motul Shine & Go is a product that I use very often after that I washed my bike. Spray it on your paint and plastic surfaces to give them back their shine. It will also put a clearcoat on the parts so that dust and dirt won’t be sticking on them. It really brings back the shine, no matter how old the part is. Espescially on plastic parts it works miracles!

Link: Motul Shine and Go 


    This is REALLY one of the best microfiber towel that I have used! Yes it only is a towel and there might not be much difference but this one really makes the difference. It can be used for multiple things. I use it to dry my bike, because it soaks up loads of water, but I also use it on my car to clean off the polish or the wax. This really is a must-have when you clean your bikes or even cars! And more than one!

Link: Chemical Guys Microfiber Towel


    Bildergebnis für MAXIMA CHAIN CLEANER

    I’ll give you one warning before I start: Only use it outside! And put something on the ground under the chain because if it falls off, it will leave marks. So warnings aside, this is the most effective chian cleaner I have used so far! Once I did not clean my chain for 1500km or about 900miles and this cleaner did it with ease! I used a brush to clean off the rest of the dirt but exept for that this cleaner did all the rest for me. Really, this stuff works like a boss! I can only recommend it!

Link: Maxima Chain Cleaner


    When I used it the first time I felt a bit strange when attatching my cellphone to my bike. I asked myself if it would not break because of all the rattling or if it would just fall off. So after some testdrives I realized that this mount worked perfectly! The phone was held perfectly and did not bounce around. Even on a bit bumpier terrain the phone was held in place and did not move. The mount also got 3 diffrent diameter options to fix it on any handlebar that you want. For me this phone mount worked perfectly and I had zero issues.

Link: Roam Universal Phone Mount


    My first impressions were that the plastic seemed nice, the weight was pretty good, not too heavy and most importantly it seemed rock solid! Next I can’t complain about the navigation and the usability. Navigation always worked perfectly and was loading pretty fast. The menus and options were very easy to understand and I was able to use it intuitively after a very short time! I liked the curvy road app very much, it always showed me some nice and twisty roads with not too much of a time penalty. At the beginning I also thought that the 4.3 inch screen might be a bit small but after regular use I got used to it and it was a very nice size! So even if the Garmin Zumo costs 499$ it is still worth the money! But if you don’t want to spend that much money on a navigation system, the next one might be a better option for you.

Link: Garmin Zumo 395LM

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